How Sun, Earth & Ocean Are Made

Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions are made co-creatively with Nature Intelligence—the inherent intelligence within nature—using a complex combination of energetic patterns chosen by nature.

To make our Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions nature has isolated 297 specific energetic patterns drawn from the sun, earth and oceans, as well as from higher vibrational sources.

With nature’s help we energetically transfer these 297 patterns and stabilize them in water. Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions are preserved with organic distilled white vinegar or brandy alcohol, which is added to the infused water as a preservative.

Before our Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions were created we collectively spent over thirty years doing similar kinds of energetic transfers into our gardens, personal and professional environments, and larger environmental projects. In those thousands of transfers we always saw positive results.

Aaron & Michael

Hi, we’re Aaron & Michael co-founders of Sulphur Mountain Road. Our collective 30+ years of working with Nature Intelligence has lead us to the creation of Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions.

Nature School Pt. 2: “Michael, Don't Assume You Know Anything”


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