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  • During the first two weeks of taking your Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions we suggest using the slightly longer Method 1: When You Have Time to let yourself settle into how it feels to take the Solutions. Even if you don’t feel anything in the beginning, which is fine, it’s still a good idea to use this method to start.

  • Your First Month

    During your first month you’ll be taking your Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions once a day at any time of day that works for you. We like to start our day with our Solutions, but do what works best with your schedule. You can even take them at a different time everyday if you like! You can stay with the single daily dose after your first month if it feels right to you. Remaining at a single daily dose of Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions will give you all of their benefits.

    Increasing to 2x/Day

    If you choose to increase your daily dose in your second month, or sometime thereafter, move to 2x/day and leave at least two hours between rounds (7 drops of each Solution) to allow time to more fully integrate you Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions. Taking your Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions twice a day makes them two to three times more effective, which means your progress will be accelerated.

    Increasing to 3x/Day

    The maximum number of daily rounds that nature suggests for most people is 3x/day. The earliest you’d want to begin this level of dosing is at the start of your third month. Remember to wait at least two hours between each round. Taking your Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions 3x/day makes them five to six times more effective than a single daily dose, which is why you want to work up to this level. This dosage level will accelerate your progress even more.

  • Keep your bottles out of the sun — this helps preserve the patterns inside the bottles — and store the bottles upright, this helps preserve the rubber tops.

  • Ideally, we always put a dropper squarely back in its bottle after the drops have landed on our tongue. But things happen. We might accidentally touch the tip of the dropper to our tongue or lips, or when inserting it back in the bottle miss the opening and touch the side of the bottle.

    If the tip of the dropper touches the top of the bottle’s rim, that’s fine, but anything other than that is not putting the dropper squarely back in the bottle and qualifies as a “dropper error” or “X<!#¥ I can’t believe I did that!”

    The thing we DON’T want to do is shrug and slide the now ‘compromised’ dropper back in the bottle.

    Instead, take a breath, go to the sink and wash the outside of the dropper in warm soapy water, rinse it off really well, because you don’t want any soapy residue on the pipette, then place the dropper on a piece of paper towel to air dry.

    Once it’s dry, place it back in the bottle. Eventually, you’ll probably need to do this so it is good to know the drill.