Field of Wildflowers

About The Field of Wildflowers Archetype

The Field of Wildflowers archetype represents a person who is connected to their many different parts and who does not necessarily consider one aspect of themselves more important than another. They celebrate what makes them unique. They know that when the world looks at them the world sees something unique and beautiful. Not shy and not demanding, they understand, more than most people, that all things change and evolve so nothing is ever the same.

A person with the Field of Wildflowers archetype can have difficulty picking a career since many of their interests feel equal in value. They tend to be multitalented, excelling at a number of different interests. They may have several careers and committed romantic relationships throughout their life. They need variety in food, experiences, and people. They can be loyal, but not always as loyal as others would like them to be. They are usually independent and self-reliant asking something from others only when they truly need help or guidance. They can become adrift whenever they feel out of balance because they are unsure which of their many interests should have prominence in their life.

In relationships, they do best when partnered with someone who does not need to take the lead and is happy going for the ride, even when the ride might sometimes feel languishing and undirected. People who do not know them well can worry that they are not living life the “right” way. One of the sustaining characteristics of this archetype is that they do not place much importance on what people think about them. When they embrace themselves, people with this archetype have healthy self-esteem and appreciate the fact that they are not like everyone else.

The Field of Wildflowers archetype is comprised of true Renaissance people and in the world today they can sometimes find it challenging to fit in. They are good at solving problems; they think creatively and non-traditionally. Due to their many interests, they often find solutions that involve different areas of information. They are often good at seeing patterns in finances or human behavior. They are inventive and interesting to talk to as long as the listener is willing to put in the time to hear what they have to share.

This archetype is excellent at learning, although school may have been challenging for them with its specific structure. This archetype is able to learn both through focusing on certain information while simultaneously processing information from several different perspectives — a highly unique ability. It can take time for this archetype to discover their innate intelligence and during that time they may have concerns about their personal value. 

An earth element, this archetype will feel more balanced when exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. Meditation is also helpful for this archetype, especially meditations that help ground them.

Field of Wildflower’s Gifts

  • Celebration of Uniqueness: Embracing and celebrating the diversity of their talents and interests.

  • Multitalented and Multifaceted: Excelling in various areas due to their wide range of interests and skills.

  • Independent and Self-Reliant: Being self-sufficient and not relying heavily on others for their needs.

  • Creative Problem Solver: Thinking creatively and outside the box to find unique solutions to challenges.

  • Unique Learning Abilities: Learning effectively through both focused and holistic approaches.

  • Healthy Self-Esteem: Embracing their innate intelligence and self-worth.


  • Difficulty Choosing a Career Path: Struggling to pick one career among multiple interests.

  • Struggles with Loyalty in Relationships: Balancing loyalty to various relationships in their life.

  • Feeling Adrift and Unsure of Priorities: Uncertainty in determining which interests should take precedence.

  • Not Fitting into Societal Norms: Feeling different from others and not conforming to societal expectations.

  • Challenges with Traditional School Structure: Finding it challenging to fit within traditional educational systems.

  • Concerns About Personal Value: Doubts about their worth and personal value in the world.


  • Embrace Diverse Interests and Talents: Accept and nurture various passions and talents without limiting oneself.

  • Seek Variety in Experiences and Relationships: Embrace the variety of life experiences and relationships that come their way.

  • Find a Partner Who Values Your Uniqueness: Choose a partner who appreciates and supports their diverse nature.

  • Embrace Problem-Solving and Creative Thinking: Utilize creative problem-solving skills in various aspects of life.

  • Cultivate Self-Esteem and Self-Acceptance: Work on building healthy self-esteem and accepting their uniqueness.

  • Engage in Grounding Practices like Exercise and Meditation: Practice grounding exercises to find balance and clarity in their multifaceted life.

Guided Exercise

Focused Unity

The Field of Wildflowers archetype is not always understood by the outside world. Fortunately, this archetype does not need everyone to understand them and are usually satisfied that they have a good understanding of themselves. 

This archetype is gifted with many interests and several developed abilities. There are times when having the ability to see multiple options can become difficult and distracting. This exercise can help bring this ability into a singular focus whenever needed.  

This exercise can be done in any room. It is simple in its structure but developed in its teaching. You will be gathering different objects to be placed close to each other. You can do this on a table or the floor, wherever you have enough room. In the beginning, you will repeat this exercise a minimum of three times each time you do it. You will be gathering ten to twelve objects from the room you are in. It does not matter what they are. Bring each object, one at a time — do not carry two or more together — to the area where you are placing them. As you bring each object to the collection location stay focused on what you are doing and think of it as representing an idea, but not a specific idea, simply the symbol of an idea. Place the first object in your chosen location and then find the second object, allowing it too to represent the symbol of an idea, and place it close to the first object. Continue this process, focusing on each part, until you have placed ten to twelve objects together. 

The objects you choose have no specific meaning in this exercise. A pen is a pen, a book is a book, a vase is a vase, and so on. What does have meaning is the physical act of bringing different objects together in one place. The objects, and the place you put them together, are chosen by you. It is the act of bringing several separate pieces together, with focus, that carries the teaching of this exercise. What you can do physically you will eventually be able to do mentally.

Return the objects to their original locations, or wherever you would like them to go, and repeat the exercise at least two more times with different objects, if possible. Take the time you need to feel this process working. Repeat this exercise daily for two weeks and notice the changes it can produce in your thinking. Use this exercise anytime you feel overwhelmed by choice making, and also as a regular practice to assist with focusing on a singular issue instead of several.

Ready for more?

Your Nature Archetype came from nature and what we mean by that is Michael, our co-founder, telepathically received this information from nature intelligence - the conscious intelligence behind nature.

Nature intelligence has been watching humans for millennia. It’s safe to say they know us very well and that knowledge shows in the depth of information contained in the 12 Nature Archetypes.

Our communication with nature intelligence is the heart of Sulphur Mountain Road and it has also helped make our Sun, Earth & Ocean Solutions.

If you’re ready for a safe, deep and natural transformational process that starts with feeling more grounded then you’ll love our Solutions.