The Tree Visualization
This visualization was given to us by nature intelligence and we love doing it. It’s easy to learn and wonderful to do. You can do it in your home (even if you live in a skyscraper in New York City) or outside, whatever works for you. It’s important not to judge how well you feel when you do the visualization. Do it several days in a row to get used to it and by then you’ll have made it your own.
Close your eyes and take your time for the following to evolve:
See yourself in a forest standing close to a large, beautiful tree. Walk up to the tree and allow yourself to enter into the trunk of the tree. Allow this to happen without effort. If this is difficult for you, begin by touching the tree and then gradually allow yourself to enter the tree.
Once you are inside the tree allow yourself to feel one with the tree. Feel your body become the tree with your arms stretching out into the limbs of the tree and your feet and legs becoming the roots of the tree and connecting with other root systems in the soil and the soil itself.
Relax in this connected place and enjoy how it feels. After five or ten minutes, or longer if you choose, let the image of you inside the tree dissolve and keep the energy of the experience with you.
A note from nature intelligence about this visualization:
Depending on the sensitivity of the person doing the visualization, the more often it is done the more connected to trees the person will become. This connection will extend beyond the love and appreciation many humans have for trees to feeling one with them and often naturally merging with them as they do in the visualization, but without effort.