Personal Posts
Personal Growth starts with a vision. This is the vision I have for you.
You’re calm, happy, and content; engaged in life, flourishing, and not fearful. You’ve come to know yourself, and you’re enthusiastically continuing your journey.
You’re invested in life, those you love, and the world. You have a new and deeper connection to yourself, others, and the planet so you have access to much more than you’ve ever had. This new level of connection has brought you a broader understanding of what truly matters to you.
I know that many of you reading this were sensitive to energy when you were children. I share this with you, as does Aaron. That sensitivity may have evolved into your being an empath - if so, let’s talk because I have some suggestions for you. Or it may have developed into something else or a combination of expressions. You also could have been sitting on that sensitivity all these years, and if so, again, we should talk!